Dronning Sonja (1937- )
H.M. Dronning Sonja byrja tidleg å bruke bunad i offentlege samanhengar, og allereie i bryllaupet i 1968 fekk ho ein Aust-Telemark-bunad. Sidan den gongen har ho vore ein ivrig bunadsbrukar og eit viktig førebilete for mange. I utstillinga fortel ho med eigne ord kva bunaden betyr for henne.
Artikkelen er ein del av ustillinga Fyrstedamer i bunad.
H.M. Queen Sonja started wearing bunads in public contexts early on, even receiving a Telemark bunad at her wedding in 1968. She has been a keen wearer of bunads and an important role model for many ever since. In the exhibition she tells us in her own words what the bunad means to her.
This article is a part of the exhibition Leading Ladies in Bunad